Saturday 6 June 2015

Abecedarian's foot on blog

I m just very much excited to get acquainted with blog. It arises same feeling in me when baby get something new then he wants to touch and play with that ,  just feels jovial and blissful after experiencing  that moreover its like  when a boy gets new girlfriend likewise today,  i met mine too which  is  certainly this ineludible blog . I can express my sorrow, pain and lots of  happy moments of my life.It is awfully hovering in my mind what i  gonna write in my first felicitous blog....just thinking of a long journey....mind  continously entangling with deep endless thoughts.It is  evoking intuition which usually i left with question mark  and i never again bother to  think about that but now a days i just put on it in order to get heap of my innovative thoughts which gonna help me in moulding   my bright future. this is my  new journey with blog,i want to play and dance with it, just wanting to get drown into profound sea of  blog.
I  always wanted to be curious and intuitive child in my life who will never fear in taking decisions.Thats i am able to share.. i  hope you like it..later i will come with more interesting treasure hunt..ta-ta for now..

                         “Children see magic because they look for it.”         


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